Things Learned from Creating the Blog

Technique Sharing

This Blog is created based on GitHub webpage, and powered by Hexo. Hexo is an open source Blog personal blog framework which allow people to build their own Blog. I believe there are a lot of introduction of how to build personal blog with Hexo on GitHub, but I still want to share the process that how I build my personal blog with that.

Start my own Blog – Build Blog with Hexo:


Because I’m using Windows system on my personal laptop, so I will particularly introduce the way to build the blog with Windows system locally and deploy it on GitHub

In order to start a new blog with Hexo on GitHub, we need to install Node.js first which allow us to install Hexo with npm and create a new GitHub Repositories with [Your GitHub Name] as the Repositories name

npm install -g hexo-cli

And after that, you should add it into PATH

After download Hexo, you can select a folder to initialize you own Blog locally with:

Hexo init

After that, you will have some files in the folder, plz don’t push those files into your GitHub Repositories, the only thing you need to do is change the _config.yml file’s deploy with:

type: git
repository:[your github account name]/[your github account name]
branch: master

You may notice that the repository block above should be the Webpage that you can clone your GitHub code, I’m using SSH to clone and push the code, and I also recommend you to use it:

how to get the link on your own repository page

After change the settings on .yml file, we can push the website into the GitHub page with:

# clean the original page and generate the new page with 
hexo clean & hexo g
# install the deployer for github first
npm install hexo-deployer-git --save
# deploy the page into github with
hexo deploy